Tuesday 1 January 2013

Introducing January – New Years Resolutions

Hello January! From now on, at the start of every month I will be making an introductory post for the month highlighting what will be covered over the month and my thoughts.
This month the posts you can expect from me are:
-          Bette Davis and Her Eyes!
-          How to Move Away (With Your Clothes)
-          Christian Dior – The New Look
-          1950’s Style Ebay Dress Review
-          Grace Kelly – Channeling Your Princess Within
-          Katharine Hepburn Style
-          How to Dress for a Plane Flight
-          The Pencil Skirt
-          New in Town
Along with regular Outfit Photo Friday posts. It’s going to be a busy month moving and posting, but here’s to trying!

Personal New Years Resolutions

-          Budget more (so that I can buy clothes as a poor, uni student)
2013 brings many things for me: new school, new house, new city. New is expensive and most of my money will be going to rent and feeding myself, however clothes are essential to my happiness. I need to get on top of managing my money, buy putting unused grocery money into a ‘fashion bank’ (I have a Hello Kitty piggy bank) and saving up for expensive, but durable pieces (style, quality and time wise).
-          Explore Brisbane
Being a new city opens up doors for me to explore places I've never seen before. I’m not talking about just visiting all the second hand stores (which I assure you, I will be doing) but also cafes, galleries and markets.
-          Visit fashion and culture events
Another part of exploring, and I guess embracing the new city, is attending as many cultural and fashion events as I can. I doubt there will be many fashion events, besides Brisbane Fashion Festival and maybe going out to the Gold Coast Fashion Week. I will be attending the Big Day Out on the 20th of January and hopefully many markets and events to come.

Blog New Years Resolutions

-          Post more than twice a week
Currently I've been posting on Wednesdays and Sundays (or about every 3 days), but I hope to post more often, hopefully 3+ times a week from now on. I have tons of written articles waiting to be posted so this shouldn't be a problem for a while (until exam time, eek!)
-          Study by blogging
I plan on studying and blogging at the same time with making posts about what I’m studying. If you haven’t previously read, I’m going to be studying Fine Arts (Fashion) and Business at QUT, and this year in fashion I’m taking classes on the fashion industry, fashion throughout history (14th to the 20th century) and textiles. I probably won’t be posting much business stuff unless I see that people are interested.
-          Use Twitter and Instagram
Now that I have an iPhone, I’m hoping to increase my online presence by tweeting and uploading images to Instagram regularly. You can follow me to see my progress and get updates on future blog posts and my life on …
-          Outfit Photo Friday
A new addition I’m hoping will be successful! Every Friday, I should be posting a picture my favourite outfit that I've worn during the week. I’m going to schedule it into my blog post list so I don’t forget; I will try to stay faithful!

This has been a fun few weeks with this blog! I’m excited for 2013, big things to happen. My next post will be the ‘Bette Davis and Her Eyes’. I hope you’re as excited as I am.
Love Claire, xo.

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