Friday 4 January 2013

Outfit Photo Friday

It’s my first Outfit Photo Friday! I've devised a clear-cut formula to how my outfit posts will go, because really I’d rather it no other way than meticulously organized. Almost all of my clothes are packed up in a box, but I’m making lemonade out of lemons with the clothes I've still left unpacked.
So, on with it! This is what I wore.

The Hobbit

What am I wearing?
Cape – Dotti / Blouse – Handmade / Shorts – Ally / Shoes – Valleygirl / Ring – Equip

When did I wear this?
I wore this on Wednesday night at 6pm.

Where did I wear this?
I went out to see The Hobbit with my brother and father, in the city cinema of Cairns.

Why did I wear this?
The Hobbit (if you haven’t heard of it/are living under a rock) is set in a fictional world called “Middle Earth”. The only way I can describe the setting is reminiscent of medieval woodland cottages from fairytales, as well as there being dark castles and eerie mainlands. I dressed with inspiration from the characters in Lord of The Rings (fur collar cape, earth tones) as well as injecting some sweetness into the look (frilly blouse, crochet lace socks, lace high waist shorts).

There it is, my first Outfit Photo Friday! I hope you enjoyed it; it’s the second last to be taken in Cairns. Come back in just 2 days time to check out my next post ‘Ebay Review - 1950’s Audrey Hepburn Style Dress’, which you can see in this post under the title of Little Black Dress. I hope you’ll enjoy it; I hope you enjoyed this post. Have you seen The Hobbit? I for one, thought that it was incredible. Did you love it, or hate it? Your thoughts?

Love Claire, xo.

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