Saturday 19 January 2013

5 Sites I Visit Daily

This summer I've haven’t had a lot to do, until now. I started this blog at the start of summer, which has been a great summer hobby (which i'll continue further). Now that I've moved into student accommodation, I haven’t had the speedy internet that I used to at home. I miss visiting all of my favourite websites, so I thought I’d share some of the sites that I visit every day and my reasons why.

  1. Blogger

What: Obviously you know what Blogger is, you’re on it!
Why: I post for Contemporary Classic. I also check analytics and look at other fashion blogs that I’m following. If you’re reading this, and you have a blog, comment so that I can check it out?
When: I usually go on when I get home from my morning walk, at about 7am.

  1. Tumblr

What: Tumblr is a very popular micro-blogging platform and social networking website. It allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs, as well as make their blogs private.
Why: I use Tumblr for fashion inspiration and news. Sometimes, I find inspiration for blog posts here, photographs or recipes. I've been a user since 2009. 
When: I log on later in the day. Usually lunch time or the afternoon to fill my queue (a bank of posts schedules to publish evenly throughout the day)

  1. IFB (Independent Fashion Bloggers)

What: This is an online community for fashion bloggers to share their experiences and create a resource so everyone can build a better blog. Regular helpful articles are posted, as well as the site hosting a community linking group and forums.
Why: I visit this site often for advice on running a blog, the tech/business side of it as well as creatively. I also find interesting fashion news here.
When: Just after lunch usually, or in the afternoon. I go on once a day, as it’s usually updated every day or two. I open a ton of links, sometimes even reading old articles. It’s helped me build my blog.


What: This website/magazine posts information regularly on topics such as fashion shows, upcoming trends and beauty tips – and that’s just the start of it. “From catwalk to sidewalk, backstage to after-party, employs breakthrough technology to deliver instant gratification to fashion obsessives.”
Why: Next to Twitter, this is my most relied upon site for fashion news and trends. I learn new things every time a post is published, and it often inspires me to write posts for my blog.
When: I open it once a night to see whether it has been updated. Usually every few days it is.


What: The largest online community dedicated to showcasing member-uploaded "street style" photography. It’s somewhat a collective gallery from which "lookbookers" and non-members can draw daily fashion inspiration.
Why: I mostly just draw fashion inspiration from this site, but looking further, I can see trends evolve worldwide. It also gives me inspiration for self-portraits documenting my outfits and inspires my ‘Outfit Photo Friday’ posts.
When: As soon as I post a look, or if I haven’t that day, I’ll log on in the afternoon to check new looks.

As well as these, I check my Twitter, email, sometimes Facebook. I’m on the internet a lot as you can see; I’ll even be posting tomorrow about ‘The Pencil Skirt’. How often do you use the internet? Do you visit these sites too?

PS. I apologize for not uploading an Outfit Photo Friday yesterday, it was my first day living in my apartment and there was a lot of things to do. 

Vintage Fashion, Modern Approach.
Love Claire, xo.

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