Tuesday 8 January 2013

Giulietta's Pre-Fall 2013 collection

This collection hit a soft spot for me, oh it did. Designer  Sofia Sizzi, was inspired by fashion muse, Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s! A month ago I made a post reconstructing some of her outfits here. Sofia Sizzi is no stranger to working from silhouettes reminiscent of the 1960’s, but this collection catapults her into my good books. From gradient jewel prints, to a bright pink short-sleeved dress with a full skirt made, I feel as though Giulietta’s collection has captured the essence of Holly Golightly perfectly.

I don’t feel like there’s much of a point deconstructing these outfits, because I've already deconstructed Holly’s outfits in my post ‘Channeling Your Inner Audrey Hepburn – Breakfast at Tiffany’s’. So I’ll leave you with this link to see the rest of the Giulietta collection here.

Notice, its Cat!

I’m so happy about finding this (even though I was a month late to it), thanks Twitter! You can also find me on Twitter here. My next post is on ‘Grace Kelly – Channeling Your Princess Within’, so I hope you come back to read it. How did you feel about this collection? I’d love to know! Post a comment or email me.

Vintage Fashion, Modern Approach.
Love Claire, xo.

1 comment:

  1. I like the last outfit mostly!Stunning apparel combination, looks confident and chic



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