Tuesday 11 December 2012

Channeling Your Inner Audrey Hepburn – Funny Face

A musical, with outfits just as exciting! I’m talking about Funny Face, of course.  A story about a fashion photographer who meets bookstore salesgirl Jo (Audrey Hepburn) by chance at a photo shoot in her workplace. He notices that she’s model material and she accepts on the grounds that it includes a trip to Paris! There it begins. There are too many great ensembles featured in this movie – due to the plot featuring around the fashion industry. I had to choose 3, and I think I chose very well varied looks.

Beige Coat

When Jo arrives in Paris, she explores the city in a very chic-casual outfit perfect for rainy or cold weather. You’d expect nothing less from the new face of Quality magazine!

Here Jo wears a tan hooded parka-style coat, over her iconic black form-fitting pants and a turtleneck. She wears no accessories, as she is still transitioning from a girl with her head buried in books to a fashion model. Her look is very practical, but I’d like to add some interest.

 Here I've updated the look by swapping the coat with a cape with a fur trim, and accessorizing with simple pearl earrings, a slouchy beige bag and a beige watch. I figure a practical girl-on-the-move like Jo would benefit by using a watch. I've also swapped the flats for short heeled pumps, but either would do, depending on the occasion.

Little Black Dress

In a photo shoot in Paris, Jo wears this gorgeous black dress and hat.

A short sleeved black dress, with a fitted waist and full skirt, this is one of my favourite outfits. With white wrist length gloves and black pumps and a black hat matching her dress, this is by far one of my favourite outfits yet.

I couldn't help but use the dress that I've bought myself for Christmas ($53 on Ebay, what a catch!) but I see it fitting to the outfit. I've stayed rather true to the original outfit, as I am such a fan. However, I've added some pearls and have gone with a more casual hat. Last note: I just adore sling-back heels, I had to add them and I feel like it fits so well (however, disregard the platform).

Little Red Dress

Another photo shoot in Paris, here Jo is seen wearing a great, but simple, red evening gown.

With an extravagant diamond (?) necklace and elbow-length white gloves, Jo doesn't need a lot to dress up the dress. It might be a simple strapless fitted dress, but in a eye-catching scarlet and matching chiffon stole, it is show-stopping.

Again, like I did in my ‘Channeling Your Inner (Audrey) Hepburn – Sabrina’, I have converted this look from a very formal gown to a cocktail dress you could wear out to a party or a romantic evening. This dress is great as it mimics the chiffon stole that Jo wore with the dress and remains consistent with the fitted, strapless bodice. I've left the gloves out of this look, as I feel they don’t go well with the dress, but you could add a splash of white with this coat in colder weather. NB. Wouldn't it be great to replace the tag ‘Vogue’ with ‘Quality’!? Ha-ha.

I hope you enjoyed this post! I do believe Funny Face is great to draw vintage fashion inspiration. My next post is titled ‘First Lady of Fashion – Jacqueline Kennedy’, which was a pleasure to write. I hope you have a pleasure reading it!
Love Claire, xo.

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