Thursday 13 December 2012

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Fashion) and Business

I got in! I found out last night that I’d been accepted into my first university preference, Bachelor of Business/Fine Arts (Fashion) at Queensland University of Technology, commencing in February 2013. All the hours I spent slaving over my portfolio payed off. I’m so excited to start learning, you have no idea. The classes are going to be so interesting! Here, take a look at my first year classes:

Fashion Classes
-          Introduction to the Industry of Fashion
-          Unspeakable Beauty 1: A History of Dress and Fashion
-          Sustainability: The Materiality of Fashion
-          Unspeakable Beauty 2: Fashion and Modernity

Business Classes
-          Global Business
-          Marketing
-          Accounting 
-          Management

I will be combining studying and blogging in some posts, in the form of publishing what I’m learning about here on my blog. This information will include:
-          Styles of fashionable dress up until the mid-nineteenth century - including medieval dress, the renaissance, seventeenth rococo styles and eighteenth century romantic dress
-          Fashion and Class
-          Gender Politics and Fashion
-          The Fashion Cycle: Slow and Fast Fashion
-          Styles of western fashion dress between the mid-nineteenth century and mid twentieth century.
-          Significant developments in the production and consumption of modern fashion including the rise of the celebrity designer; industrialisation and fashion; conspicuous consumption, fashion and the modern city.

All of this spanned across the year of 2013! Oh, I am so excited; I’m going to start packing tomorrow for my move in exactly 1 month and 1 day. I’ll make a post on how I choose between my clothes, because that will be the hardest thing (besides leaving behind my family, of course). So anyway, to celebrate I went shopping with my little sister and then out for dinner, with my parents and sister, to a little pizza place on the beach, and this is what I wore out.

What am I wearing? Dress - Valleygirl / Ballet Flats - Rubi Shoes / Hair Piece, Necklace, Bracelets - Equip 

Extra Photo: Dessert!

Notes: I ate so much! For dinner, we shared a trio of dips and bread, followed by a 'Zorgas' pizza. For dessert, I ate a lovely nougat and gelato combination. Oh, how I celebrated!

I am very excited for next year. Now I just have to pack and get on with Christmas and New Years events. My next post will be titled ‘First Lady of Fashion – Jacqueline Kennedy’. Very excited for you to see it! Until then …
Love Claire, xo.

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