Saturday 6 April 2013

Repositioning and Rebranding

After much consideration, I've decided to reposition and rebrand this blog. This comes with my recent return and bringing with me my updated views and ideas.

Some of the changes that you can expect
  • Name: The blog name will be changed from 'Contemporary Classic' to 'The Trend Trade'
    • This will affect the URL, banner and other design elements of the blog
  • Content (Fashion): As reflected in the name, the content will be less vintage focused and more toward topics surrounding the career of fashion buying, this includes:
    • Fashion trends
    • The fashion industry
    • General style talk
  • Content (Business): I've been itching to post on business related topics such as marketing for a while now, and I'm ready to take the plunge. My content will now also include:
    • Business trends
    • Career development
    • Marketing and other subjects that I study

You will see these changes before Monday, 8 April to see in the Australian Fashion Week for 2013.

I still have posts that I had written prior to my decision to redirect, and I will post those, but you will see a clear shift in my content posted. I hope that you've enjoyed reading my posts in 'Contemporary Classic' and you will continue to read my posts in 'The Trend Trade'.

Love Claire, xo.

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